Abstract​ Guidelines​​​​

Selected abstracts will be considered to be published in Scopus-Indexed Proceedings or Supporting Journals. The articles published in these collections should meet the usual standards.

Call for Abstracts

The ICEM2021 invites the submission of abstracts on original work for consideration for an Oral Presentation or Poster Presentation in the Conference program. Your contribution is crucial to the success of the Conference and we greatly value your input.

Abstract Template Submit Abstract

Key Submission Dates
Abstract Submission Opens: 05 May 2020
Abstract Submission Closes: 30 September 2021 (Oral and Poster Presentation)
30 September 2021 (Keynote and Invited Lecture)
Acceptance Notifications: 07 September 2021

Abstract Submission Guidelines
  • Abstracts must be submitted by the presenting author via the abstract submission portal.
  • During the submission process, please indicate your preferred presentation mode; however, your preference is not guaranteed. The final decision will be determined by a review panel led by the respective symposium chair. The panel reserves the right to decide the final mode of presentation.
  • An abstract confirmation email will be sent to the presenting/submitting author upon successful submission of the abstract. Communication will be with the presenting/submitting author only.
  • Please take note that by submitting/uploading of an abstract acknowledges your consent to publication of the abstract (if accepted and registration process has been completed) in the Conference publications, hard and/or electronic copies.
  • Your abstract must be written in English with a maximum of 300 words. Images/tables must not be included. The abstract must be submitted in Word document format (i.e. only .doc or .docx files will be accepted) using the template provided and saved with the filename 'Surname_FirstName'. If you are submitting more than one abstract, please also include subsequent numbers in the filename, e.g. – 'Surname_FirstName_01'.
  • It is the author's responsibility to submit a correct abstract; any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific fact may be reproduced in Conference publications as typed by the author.

The presenting author must register to attend and present the paper at the Conference. Please see other sections of this website for other information on registration.

Review and Selection

The submission of an abstract does not indicate automatic inclusion into the Conference Program. All abstracts will undergo a review process by the committee taking into account the quality of each abstract and the balance of the program.

Author Acceptance

Following the review of all abstracts, authors will be notified via email of their abstract acceptance in 07 September 2021. This notification will include advice regarding the format (i.e. oral or poster) selected for your presentation.


Oral Presentation: Unless advised otherwise, the duration for oral presentations are given as follows:

Type of Oral Presentation Duration of Presentation (min)*
Plenary Lecture 45
Keynote Address 30
Invited Talk 20
Selected Oral Presentation 15

*Including 5 min Q&A

Poster presentation will be carried out virtually using the online virtual platform. Kindly refer to ICEM2021 Poster Guidelines for details.